lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020

Contemporary art and the Theory of Relativity.

 Contemporary art and the Theory of Relativity.


This is art? If so, 99.999999999999% of the planet's inhabitants are artists and can exhibit, with right and justification, in museums or galleries.


Exhibition of "contemporary art", a reflection of a century in which everything has collapsed:


Ideology? Anyone can form a "political party", it is enough to find a group of disoriented people, eager for movement, noise and disorder; already has a mass of followers.


Religion? Anyone can invent a religion, with its gods and all the paraphernalia (gods, saints, heaven, hell, miracles, books and all the necessary stories); the most lucrative business; only spit is wasted and money is collected.


Values? Anyone, under the pretext of relativity, postmodernity, the deconstruction of everything, can take any flag and claim it as a right. The easiest and most perverse is sought, the Values ​​that justify the condition of Humanity are abandoned, that demonstrate that it deserves the name Homo sapiens; wise man. Example: Sex fanatics have managed to get the UN to recognize 110 sexes. The UN? Yes, for that it is very agile, but it closes its eyes when it sees human rights violations.


Art? Well, anyone can be an artist and do everything. Here's the sample, and some more examples.

MBA, PhD? Anyone with an abundance of money and absolute absence of scruples can buy them at any university in the world (There are exceptions, in developed countries and with a great Ethos, a great national spirit, universities stay on the sidelines, seek quality and maintain their prestige) Do you know that there are universities where a generous "donation" is appreciated with diplomas of whatever you want? It is also relative.

Einstein with the Principle of Relativity; the SXXI is Einsteinian. Did you know?


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